Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

W5DQ1_ARHI-0101 61363

W5DQ1_ARHI-0101 61363

Q After reading/watching/listening to materials about printmaking and photography from this week's module, please discuss reproduciblity in art. Use the information you've learned as well as your own thoughts and experiences to consider how printmaking and photography differ from the other two-dimensional arts like drawing, painting, and collage. Some questions to consider: • When a medium has the capacity to produce multiple copies (like from a photographic negative or printing matrix), is it less valuable/important/impressive than mediums based on the singular work of art? • What are the advantages and disadvantages of photography and printmaking compared to other mediums? • Photography, and to a lesser degree, printmaking, are consider to be indirect processes. What do you think this means? Does it affect how you characterize the artist? Meaning, is a printmaker or photographer less of an artist than a painter or sculptor? • Do you have any unanswered questions about printmaking and photography that would would like to be addressed?

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Technology has made is possible to have numerous copies of the artworks and sometimes it may cause some issues with the uniqueness of a piece of art. When things get easily available then it tends to lose its value in front of the audiences. Also the process of making further copies may cause differences between the original piece and the copies. For example the colors of a painting can seem different in the printed copies.